Image from Shutterstock
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During the early stage of development, a company’s branding goals are often focused on the essentials: logomark, logotype, color palette, and typography. The traditional way of thinking often focuses on minimalistic design, but today’s graphic design world has also embraced new possibilities. The following is a list of ideas to consider if you are trying to achieve a contemporary aesthetic.
3D Design
If you are looking for a way to differentiate from the crowd, consider 3D design in your branding materials. This can be in the form of a logo or illustrations designed specifically for your company. This style has become hugely popular and is said to increase customer trust and engagement. However, if you are also considering the use of 3D elements in your UI/UX design, it is suggested to consult a professional.
The general rule of thumb when it comes to design is that a person’s focus is guided towards contrast. Therefore, too many elements of the same style could threaten the establishment of a focal point. For example, if you have a 3D logo, this could be impactful and help your mark stand out. However, if you have a 3D logo surrounded by 3D illustrations and combined with 3D buttons, your company’s mark may lose its impact.
Another thing to consider is longevity. Overall, traditional design has better lasting power. Due to this, a 2D and 3D combination may be the way to go. This can range from having certain elements being one of these styles consistently, or adding rules to your guidelines about situations in which the various styles may be used. For example, you may decide to use a 2D version of your logo for profile images and save the 3D version for social shares.
Kinetic Typography
One of the most exciting trends for graphic designers this year is kinetic typography. Kinetic typography, also known as motion typography, is the use of animation in displaying text. Often, it is utilized within the hero image of a company’s website. However, it is also used in advertising for commercials. The styles range from messages being written out over the length of a video to the animation of a logo or logomark.
If you choose to incorporate kinetic typography in your branding materials, the complexity of your project may determine the software that will be needed. For example, if you are wanting a fun, and somewhat simple, design then Adobe Express will be enough. Yet, if you are wanting something more involved and complex, it may be necessary to check out Adobe After Effects.
A concern to consider when using this style of typography for web-based promotion is the overall performance of your website. Video files can take a long time to load. Due to this, avoid overusing video as it could affect the end user’s experience with your website. Afterall, the purpose of a website is usually to acquire business. Keep this fundamental consideration in mind and use kinetic typography to assist with this goal without threatening the purpose.
In the blog post titled, Handmade Design in a Digital World, illustrative style was mentioned as a way to connect with customers. Illustration is a very broad term, because it can be used for many different purposes. For example, you can use illustration as a foundation for your brand’s identity and create an entire logo within this style. Alternatively, you may decide to limit its use to your marketing materials instead of abstract shapes or photos.
Another use of illustration in branding is in the creation of company assets for specific products. Many app developers use illustration to accentuate branding with their product’s UI elements. Additionally, some companies use illustration as the images of their social shares. Hiring someone to make sets which match your messaging ensures your posts are unique and consistent. Another common use of illustration is in posters, postcards, and printed materials.
If you are starting out and concerned about your company’s budget, there are several options for incorporating illustrations into your marketing. Designers often offer packages which will include sets focused on a particular subject. Companies such as Shutterstock also offer one-time purchases. Additionally, you could hire someone for a specific project or find affordable options though subscription services.
A company’s branding is an ongoing process. Viafique is committed to the success of entrepreneurs. If you are interested in incorporating techniques such as 3D branding, kinetic typography, or illustration into your marketing materials, please send a message via the contact page. It would be an honor to discuss your ideas. If Viafique does not have the ability to fulfill your immediate goals, it would be a pleasure to refer you to specialists in those areas.
Rebecca A. Crecelius, MFA
CEO | Founder | Managing Member | Designer
Portfolio: rebeccacrecelius.com
Rebecca A. Crecelius, MFA is an artist, designer, and business owner. Her creative background is in fine art, and she has a Specialization in Graphic Design from CalArts. In addition, she has post-secondary education in business and certificates in HTML and CSS coding languages. After discovering a passion for logo design and brand development, she founded Viafique LLC. She looks forward to sharing her knowledge with aspiring business owners and enthusiastic entrepreneurs.
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