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Your logo is complete and now you are ready to show it to the world. Yet, where do you start? How do you determine the needs of your business, and what do you need to fulfill them? The world of branding has become limitless in its possibilities. Starting from the basics to more current expectations, the following is a high-level breakdown of common uses for a business logo, logomark, and branded assets.
Printed Marketing Materials
Even with the advancement of new options, the feeling of accomplishment in getting your first business card remains. A professional business card provides a sense of inclusion. It is a formal representation of a person’s belonging and should be treated with such consideration. Although there are digital alternatives, having printed business cards is still a must. In addition, with the use of digital alternatives, an order of business cards also tends to have more longevity than in the past. Therefore, it is helpful if your design is one which will provide a professional appearance during multiple growth stages.
In addition to business cards, company stationery is important to have on-hand. Ideally, you will also want matching envelopes to solidify a professional presence with your mailings. Furthermore, if you are a company who plans to market to customers through mail, consider postcards and catalogs. With the influx of digital advertising, these forms of marketing materials are proving to have a high return on investment for many companies. Are you going digital due to environmental concerns? Viafique continues to research eco-friendly options for small and large print projects. Please send a message to discover these options.
Company Swag and Employee Merchandise
Once you have these foundational items designed, consider additional marketing uses as well. Does your company go to conventions or street markets to sell its goods or services? When brainstorming ways to reach your target market, consider how your branding will be displayed on items such as banners and signage. If you want to add a personal touch to your customer relations, also consider printed merchandise and branded packaging. These details go a long way in developing a relationship with customers and should be treated with care.
With remote work still serving as a common mode of practice, it is important to think of ways to maintain a sense of connection to your employees. Printed materials can assist with this by providing your staff with gifts which make them feel valued and important. With print-on-demand services, you can show your appreciation without the added investment in bulk ordering. In addition to branded apparel, you can send your new staff a care package filled with branded mouse pads, USB flash drives, coffee cups, pens, and even stickers for their laptops.
Websites and Social Media Profiles
The creative process of logo development and branding is exciting. Yet, it is important to consider how these elements are also used online. For example, branding online includes intricacies such as favicons. To view the use of a favicon in branding, visit The Anatomy of a Logo. When taking this into consideration, it is important to evaluate the appeal of detailed designs and their functionality within these contexts. Keeping factors such as this in mind will assist with ensuring your branding is consistent across platforms and media.
In addition to favicons, thought should be given to how your logo and branding appears in social shares, during a web search, and as a profile photo for company social media pages. Although it is possible to choose specific images for individual web pages, it is helpful to have a professional logo or logomark, so your company has a polished appearance when customers share your information. To further enhance a refined appearance, include logos in email signatures and utilize branding strategies such as cohesive online banners with executives and key employees.
As your company grows, the need for branded materials will also likely continue to evolve. Therefore, when deciding upon a visual representation of your business, maintain a balance between creativity and applicable use. At the very least, you will want two versions of your chosen design for marketing in both horizontal and vertical formats. Lastly, your logo should be recognizable as a small icon while also maintaining an impactful appearance when enlarged for signage. With these considerations, your thoughtful approach will lend itself towards professional results. If you need any assistance, feel free to send Viafique a message through the contact page.
Rebecca A. Crecelius, MFA
CEO | Founder | Managing Member | Designer
Portfolio: rebeccacrecelius.com
Rebecca A. Crecelius, MFA is an artist, designer, and business owner. Her creative background is in fine art, and she has a Specialization in Graphic Design from CalArts. In addition, she has post-secondary education in business and certificates in HTML and CSS coding languages. After discovering a passion for logo design and brand development, she founded Viafique LLC. She looks forward to sharing her knowledge with aspiring business owners and enthusiastic entrepreneurs.
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